Instructions for Authors

International Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology publishes papers of high quality in the different areas of Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Submission to the Journal is on the understanding that the article has not been previously published in any other form and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript should be strictly in accordance with the prescribed format of the journal. The submission file is in Microsoft Word document format only. The manuscript, or any part thereof, is in no way a violation of any existing original or derivative copyright. Conflict of interest and fundingAuthors are responsible for disclosing financial support from the industry or other conflicts of interest that might bias the interpretation of results. Manuscripts submitted for the publication are screened for plagiarism before, during, and after publication.
  2. Please embed all figures and tables in the manuscript to become one single word file for submission in the journal website. The system will generate a manuscript ID once the submission of manuscript is complete. The manuscript ID sent to author’s contact email, which should be used by author in all future communications with the journal.
  3. Manuscript Template

Please click here to download the template.

  1. The manuscript submitted in IJARASET will be reviewed anonymously by at least two independent experts in the particular area. Your paper’s keywords may be used to help match appropriate reviewers. After peer review and review by the Editorial Board, you will receive evaluation results which will be sent to email of corresponding author.